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Corn hybrid numbers?
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Posted 12/14/2009 08:00 (#965513 - in reply to #965490)
Subject: RE: Syngenta, Monsanto, Pioneer


So this was the first time I have ever went to (aren't they owned by Monsanto) I just went and looked in Illinois plots and the plots that came up were FIRST plots. I looked at a couple of plots and they both had Wyffels numbers in the top. I don't see any Sygenta products. Does Sygenta not enter the largest 3rd party plot system in the midwest?

Seth, I agree with you on planting from as many companies as possible. I plant 100% Sygenta (NK) soybeans. I have not had as good luck with their corn in the last couple of years. I do plant Dekalb corn, but that is being phased out of my operation because of other companies offer just as good products and they aren't as proud of their price. Wyffels likes to charge for their corn as well, they just seem to bend a little more on their price the last couple years compared to my Dekalb dealer.
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