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Corn hybrid numbers?
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Posted 12/14/2009 07:29 (#965490 - in reply to #964659)
Subject: RE: Syngenta, Monsanto, Pioneer

Monticello IL
I may sell syngenta but if something better came along I would change. The areas I deal with I feel like Garst is the best choice. I am curiuos about your Wyffels, which hybrids should I be looking at? I ran a check on comparing 83c55 to the Wyffel numbers available and Garst was better.

I like to look at the FIRST trials, but I am not sure how much weight to place on them.

I was looking for some Land Grant data this weekend and couldn't find any. I asked my Wife the University employee why there wasn't any Syngenta data. She told me that they didn't give the University any money.
When my dad was in college the harvestor company went around to land grant universities and gave them money and gave them silos to do "research". Well what do you wasn't long there was university data praising the harvestor silo.

Also remember I didn't say you shouldn't be planting Dekalb.......I said you should plant all 3. Maybe that should be expanded to include more companies that I thought about after writing the original post and include those that others and you have mentioned. The percentages of each should be your main concern.
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