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Petticoat Junction - Girls swimming in water tower- mystery solved
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Posted 4/1/2022 08:38 (#9591283)
Subject: Petticoat Junction - Girls swimming in water tower- mystery solved

Lenawee Co Michigan
Longtime speculation now settled, thanks to a fellow who took a couple still pictures on July 29, 1965. This is the well known opening to the TV show Petticoat Junction where the Bradley sisters are seen swimming in the locomotive's water tower. The girls are all still living (Linda Henning, Lori Sanders, and Gunilla Hutton) but Higgins (dog) passed in 1975.

Hope this doesn't spoil it for too many:

(PJ Water Tower 1sm (full).jpg)

(PJ Water Tower 2sm (full).jpg)

(PJ Water Tower 3sm (full).jpg)

Attachments PJ Water Tower 1sm (full).jpg (102KB - 247 downloads)
Attachments PJ Water Tower 2sm (full).jpg (105KB - 240 downloads)
Attachments PJ Water Tower 3sm (full).jpg (105KB - 221 downloads)
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