deep SW On. | Good advice. Also the whole wind turbine issue would go better if they pooled the income and split it up among the owners and then give those hosting a turbine a significant land use payment. There is 80 some north of us and biggest issue I see is they put them quite close to lot lines/driveways and the host farmer is getting $18,000 yr. + - (depending on contract, 1/3 less today) and guy across the fence gets 0. And there is legacy issues . Good part is when going to spray I know which way wind is blowing. And they require big transmission lines so you may have had regular 2 line power poles in front of your house you now have poles/wire 3x bigger and ,if it matters you don't get am radio reception.
Question I have is with cost of wind towers & cost of lease/hassles why would they not just by some small farms and own the 'whole' package as a square 50 acres can host 5 turbines?
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