Thumb of Michigan | You can address this two ways. The first piece of the puzzle is the same in both:
1. You and your neighbors find a competent attorney. Not the local divorce lawyer, one well versed in energy leases. Wind, oil, gas, doesn't matter.
They draft a lease that is agreeable to you and your neighbors.
If you want to participate in a wind farm, then that's what the spirit of the lease will lean towards.
2. You and your neighbors find a competent attorney. Not the local divorce lawyer, one well versed in energy leases. Wind, oil, gas, doesn't matter.
They draft a lease that is agreeable to you and your neighbors.
If you don't want to participate in a wind farm, then that's what the spirit of the lease leans to.
Notice on both scenarios: You never sign the wind/oil/gas leases the leasing agents present. None of them are in your best interest. It's your land, your wind/oil/gas. You steer the ship. Retain your property rights under your terms. Your attorney presents a lease, they sign - or they don't.
Almost EVERY issue people have after the fact could have been resolved before the problems occurred had the previous paragraph happened in the first place.
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