| I mostly agree but I am wondering about how population density impacts total N uptake by radishes.
Excessive seeding rates (perhaps as low as 10 lbs per acre on some soils) clearly lead to stunting that reduces total biomass production but how much does this reduce N uptake??
I know that Dr. Weil's group found that later planted radishes accumulated much less biomass but had higher N concentrations in the tissue such that their N scavenging was still pretty good.
Other functions such as biodrilling and weed suppression were more negatively affected by late planting date than N scavenging.
I am thinking that low populations of radishes combined with a cheaper cover crop like oats is probably the best strategy for us but I will need to see how our 2010 corn performs on the 10 lb/ac solid radish strips vs. the 2.5 lbs per acre 30" row radish w/oats strips before I can say much more about this.
WIU Agriculture
Edited by jbgruver 11/23/2009 11:06
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