 Southeast Colorado | My first 10 years of farming I ran an 8630 JD. I loved that tractor in the beginning but it finally got too expensive to keep running. I actually traded it off broken down. As my farming progressed I bought bigger implements and this tractor had gotten to where it wouldn't hardly pull anything through the field. I just kept setting the implements shallower and limping through the field slowly. One day I was complaining to a neighbor farmer and he told me to check the line that runs from the top of your injector pump (aneroid) around the front of the engine, over to your intercooler. It senses when your turbo boosts your manifold pressure and triggers your injector pump to supply more fuel. I checked mine and sure enough it had rubbed a hole right at the front of the motor. We repaired it, went to the field and HOLY COW! I had a tractor! The last couple of years driving that tractor was a joy. No more PUSHING on the steering wheel trying to get the tractor to move. Funny how it physically wears you out driving a gutless tractor. I felt bad when it started having the costly breakdowns because I truly liked driving that tractor at the end of it's life here. I'm not sure if your 8650 is set up the same way but it probably is because my 8630 had the 8650 engine in it. By the way mine dynoed at 265 HP. Good luck!
Edited by tmrand 11/23/2009 08:58
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