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John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"
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Fla Veggie Farmer
Posted 11/23/2009 01:04 (#934901 - in reply to #934888)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8650, nothing but a "big baby!!"

Southeast Florida
Where he's located implement companies should do their test work. That sandy gumbo will let you know what it's made of.

Now that being said Melvin, you count everyday as a blessing that you’re not working on that 8650. Those tractors (30-50) series 4WD Deere’s will break you. You could be going tomorrow pulling that 490 and the top shaft in the transmission lockup or break a crankshaft. There’s a reason those tractor can be bough cheap. Now you also might own one of those that will go 10K hour’s trouble free, but those are few and far between.

Good luck and I might go down Goat Hill Rd tomorrow if this weather continues.
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