Belzoni, Mississippi | I currenty run a 8650. It is the only tractor that i have. Its a good tractor but it seems to be a big baby. Its a good planting tractor and it will handle my 80 foot redball sprayer great. But not many other things it will do to good. Im pulling my 26 foot 490 disk with it right now and that seems to load it up at times. Its a light disk. Does anyone know what they were made for when john deere introduced them? When you look at it, it will deceive you. I mean you are looking at this big 4wd tractor and it cries when anything over in the field all day. A decent mfwd tractor will do more than it. But i will say, its not bad on fuel and it will boogy boogy down the road. I get 23 mph out of it. It does have the big engine it, not the small 4840 engine. Any other 8650 operators out there. Oh yeah, since driving it, i am slightly deaf now!! I think they are rated at 220 hp, is there anyway to get more out of them without it running hot? Before i rag too much on it, it starts up every morning for me and will go all day. So any ther 8650 drivers out there tell me about yours!! By the way, do you think it will handle a 30 foot turbo till? | |