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So if you would bring a gun to a riot for protection
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Posted 11/27/2021 02:31 (#9344079 - in reply to #9343959)
Subject: RE:first question should be

Ron (Cen. IL.) - 11/26/2021 22:39

happycatcher - 11/26/2021 22:12

I was not talking about the pedophile and made my thoughts on that very clear. However, Kyle did not know he was a pedophile when he shot him.

This is from one of my earlier posts:

That's right, all he knew is that one said: "I'm going to (blanking) kill you" and tried to grab the gun.

Another was beating him with a skateboard. Another man tried to kick Rittenhouse in the head, Rittenhouse shot at and missed him, the man ran away uninjured.

The third began to point a pistol at him and was shot. How dumb is that? You have just seen one person shot, another shot at, and STILL, you begin to point your pistol at the guy holding the gun?

Rittenhouse didn't have to know their criminal histories, he could recognize bad intentions.

I think the biggest issue is just that the child put himself in the position at all. What exactly did he think would happen if he showed up to this event with a very visible gun?

Also, I think it is very unfair that people claiming the BLM "proves" BLM is just a bunch of criminals. There have been very peaceful protests with the BLM movement. I've been to a few myself and it was very peaceful. There was a white guy walking around with a very large and visible gun, but everyone ignored him. We walked to the police station. The police were all on the roof and they took a knee for several moments. The the chief came down and said he heard us, and he encouraged anyone who wants to come in and talk to him. I remember one girl scream, "but we're scared!" I don't understand why that would scare her but I'm also not a black woman. Overall it was a very good protest, people practicing their right to protest. Before the protest started, the leader led us in prayer and told everyone there would be no violence, that we wold destroy no property, because we were there to protest, not destroy property and hurt others. He begged for peace. This man was black. There have been many, many non violent protests from the BLM. I've been to a few. But if rioting started, I'd have gotten myself out of there, not tried to combat it by myself with a gun.

Edited by happycatcher 11/27/2021 02:37
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