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So if you would bring a gun to a riot for protection
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Posted 11/23/2021 13:12 (#9336857 - in reply to #9334415)
Subject: RE:first question should be

OntarioCanuck - 11/22/2021 08:15

that has been used to let everyone who wants one have a gun in your country.

Why is this a necessity?

Many other countries (probably could say most other countries) do not allow people to have any gun they would like without rules and restrictions.

And yes I know 'it is an amendment to your constitution'
But men wrote it in there when guns were much less deadly at a different time in history
Why is it not reconsidered in todays situation and some better controls on these machines that are used to kill feral hogs and shoot targets?

Many, many people here believe that because the constitution was written so long ago, and times are so much different, that parts of the constitution should be seriously reconsidered. But the far right is very fear mongering and through the media tells people that by doing this, horrible things will happen when in reality, it would help resolve many issues. Fortunately, a new generation is coming of age, and then our children. It will take time, but I feel strongly in time, these ammendments will be made.
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