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So if you would bring a gun to a riot for protection
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Posted 11/23/2021 08:56 (#9336493 - in reply to #9336413)
Subject: RE:first question should be

Ron (Cen. IL.) - 11/23/2021 08:16

happycatcher - 11/23/2021 08:04

Ron (Cen. IL.) - 11/23/2021 08:00

happycatcher - 11/23/2021 07:44

Ron (Cen. IL.) - 11/23/2021 07:34

happycatcher - 11/23/2021 07:01

OntarioCanuck - 11/21/2021 16:42

And i don't get any explanation
Perhaps that is why I do not understand.

Because the explanation is simple and one many people don't want to admit or come to terms with: that little snot was there to hunt people. He crossed state lines, lied about being an EMT, and started a bunch of crap with people who were not rioting buildings. What did he think would happen? That they would just ignore him? And at no point did he attempt to provide medical care with his little medical kit. He went there with a weapon and used that weapon to kill two people and paralyze another. He was there hunting for lives. He had no business being there. He went there looking for trouble and now two people are dead for no reason. He should have left the police do what their jobs were and stayed out of it. The punishment for rioting is not death. And the people he killed were not rioting.

If he was there to "hunt" people, why was he running away from them?

He didn't shoot until he had no other choice ( I don't consider being beaten an acceptable choice.

Who did he paralyze?

Your post contains a lot of inaccuracies.

Grosskreutz lost 90 percent of his right arm. That might not be full body paralysis, but it is still paralysis. And had he not been there with a weapon, he'd have had nothing to run from and no one to shoot. He had absolutely zero reason to be there and now two people are dead and one injured permanently.

His grandparents owned a filling station in the area.

The people that were shot had no reason to be there.

Chasing someone with a gun down the street isn't a good idea.

I've had this argument with my sister, I finally asked if she had seen the video. "I've seen what they show on TV."

He was at a car dealership that denied requesting protection. This is fake information spead on Facebook. If this was the case, wouldn't it have come up in the trial?

Are you sure it wasn't brought up at trial?

The news gives you information that makes for a better story.

When was it brought up in the trial? Even IF that scenario is true, that his grandparents had a gas station there, he had no business showing up there with a weapon. No one's life was in jeopardy until HE got there.
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