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3208 Cat in L8000 Fuel lift pump, injector pump
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Posted 11/8/2021 06:18 (#9309889)
Subject: 3208 Cat in L8000 Fuel lift pump, injector pump

NW Ohio,near Findlay
Original Post on 11-4-21

Truck just stopped, hauled it home. As of today, haven't found anyone to look at why it won't start. Pulled the electric fuel stop off the top of pump, it works OK, plunger retracts when key on. Can pump primer pump, fuel to injector pump, new filters. Yes it has fuel. My question, is the lift pump incorporated into the injector pump? Have looked at all sources on YouTube, have not found any answers. One thing for sure, having a truck with a Allison transmission is a hassle not being able to tow it to a shop for repairs. Pulling that heavy drive shaft at the joint is not easy pushing those cap out without having to heat or cut the caps out of the yoke. Need a book on what do look for. Going to see another truck mechanic today, see if he makes house calls. Sure glad I don't need truck that bad, just want it fixed.
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