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Drone uses ..Mavic,P4, Matrice, other?
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Posted 11/3/2021 19:36 (#9303164 - in reply to #8102121)
Subject: RE: Drone uses ..Mavic,P4, Matrice, other?

Foz682 - 3/13/2020 09:18
That's part of what I'm trying to figure out myself...what can we do with it and what benefits can a drone bring us ?...
I'm thinking some field scouting, some cattle monitoring/locating, maybe some building/silo inspections? what else can be done?

The funding available is pretty specific and a drone is the only thing I can come up with that would qualify, also it says no doubles of anything (2 drones)...

does no doubles rule out an 'inspection' drone say a Mavic Air and a crop mapping platform, say the P4 Multispectral ?

The Mavic could end up being a gateway tool to let members try out drones to see what works for them before investing in their own inspection equipment.

Either way, get all the extra warranty and replacement coverage you can get and make sure it covers the platform when being hired out to members.

Pix4D mapping or fields can be set up with a cloud based licence, so members could install the software on their own computers and you just transfer the licence. Only issue is privacy since as far as Pix4d is concerned all mapping projects belong to the same person.
Alternative is OpenDroneMapping. It is a bit of a pig to install but is a very effective tool once configured.
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