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8rx vs 9rx
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Posted 10/25/2021 17:29 (#9286649 - in reply to #9286407)
Subject: RE: 8rx vs 9rx

Tuscola, IL
8410RX will play with a 1500 bushel cart. Running one on a 2000 bushel cart here and it’s no problem at all. Have had 8400R and 9420RT on the same cart and everyone loves the 8RX compared to the others. You get the height of the 9 series tractor without having to deal with articulation. Really notice the difference on the planter. No squiggle at the beginning of the pass from the articulated tractor trying to get straight. I used to be a huge fan of small frame 4WD or tracked tractors on planters and auger carts but the 8RX is the best of both worlds and wouldn’t want to go back to an articulated.
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