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What drone for general crop scouting?
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Posted 10/16/2021 19:25 (#9272504 - in reply to #9272413)
Subject: RE: What drone for general crop scouting? Me too!

Coles County, Illinois
Range is a variable thing. The higher you fly the longer the range. If you're scouting a soybean field and you have a corn field between you and the soybean field you'll have to fly higher than if you were in just a single big soybean field. In the spring before any crops are growing I've had no problem flying 2 miles away. The good thing about the better drones is if you lose connection they climb to a preset altitude ( I use 100') and start heading to where you took off. Usually you'll regain a connection soon after they start climbing.

Price wise I think you'd want to spend at least $500 and $1500 is more than what I'd recommend for a beginner. Using your Smart phone which is what I do kinda sucks as the screen isn't very bright. I'm hoping DJI updates their displays soon as I want a dedicated display or I might just get their FPV drone.
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