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What drone for general crop scouting?
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Hay Hud Ohio
Posted 10/16/2021 18:40 (#9272413 - in reply to #9268975)
Subject: RE: What drone for general crop scouting? Me too!

SW Ohio
I admit I have not read many posts on this forum so my answers may already be here, but here goes.
I too have found a few areas of concern during harvest that could have benefited from more early knowledge of a problem developing....hence a drone view would have been ideal to catch these.
My questions are....
How far can you fly one away from the farm gate to the furthest field, 1/4 mile....3 miles....?????
Do you have to have a smart phone to see real time pictures or are there alternatives/ don't want a smart phone....?
Any issues with flying over roads and or several other peoples farms to get to yours?
Are we talking $400 investment or $1400 or more???
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