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What are differences between Nav II & III & 262's and 372 Receiver's?
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Posted 9/28/2021 20:20 (#9243175 - in reply to #9242497)
Subject: RE: What are differences between Nav II & III & 262's and 372 Receiver's?

Southern Illinois
As far as your Raven P300. The early ones, no USB on the back, use a Novatel OEM V-3 board. These track GPS and Glonass and can use RTCM3.1 and CMR+ corrections if they are unlocked for RTK. The later P300 use a Novatel OEM 628 board. These can process RTK from multiple bases with FKP or MAC/MAX type RTCM3.1 messages in addition to basic single base data.

You can use this receiver to map with the Pro700 but you will not be able to use a nav autosteer as that requires a Trimble made receiver. The NAV2 will not let the Pro700 engage steering without a Trimble gps on the CAN bus connection to the PRO700 and using a serial TSIP connection to the NAV2.

Trimble made the NAV2 so that it needs the TSIP along with the PPS wire in from the receiver and still needs to see the CAN gps data as well.

Edited by JHEnt 9/28/2021 20:23
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