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Using drone to check center pivot troubles
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Posted 8/30/2021 18:07 (#9194038 - in reply to #9130442)
Subject: RE: Using drone to check center pivot troubles

East Central, Nebraska
i bought an air2s couple months ago. so far i have ran cattle out of a cornfield with it and checked multiple pivot problems. i did not think i could ever justify it and it was really only an expensive toy. the cattle deal alone paid for it.

as for as pivots, all 15 of mine are old junk. this year our corn is stupidly tall and i cannot stand on one tower and locate which tower has the problem. this drone has helped greatly with that. my brother used his to locate a tower that had a problem and see that the driveshaft was off. took out a couple u joints and it took off. normally in that situation we would have made at least two if not 3 trips out to that tower. im pretty happy with what i am getting done with my drone and happy with the purchase.
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