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Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?
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Posted 7/29/2021 10:49 (#9135957 - in reply to #9041650)
Subject: RE: Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?

Central Alberta
Drones are fun to play with and they are great for photography, but I look forward to the coming years when they are put to work in an endless number of potential tasks. Drones are already becoming more practical for spraying, but the technology still has a long ways to go. Programmed surveillance would be a great way to watch over the farm. A drone could patrol a farm from the air periodically and AI could identify suspicious movement and notify the owner.

One of the barriers to autonomous operation is a way to self-dock, so the drone can recharge. I`m sure it will come, but for now most applications require you to pilot the drone yourself. Not very practical for a working application.
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