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Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?
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Posted 7/29/2021 05:28 (#9135458 - in reply to #9041650)
Subject: RE: Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?

Central Iowa
I have the Autel Evo 2 Pro. I got a great deal on it and sold the Hubsan Zino I was flying to help pay for it. Overall I would consider myself a rookie when it comes to photography, but the pictures I get from the E2P are pretty incredible. I have started venturing more and more into the editing stages and have been shooting most of my pics in RAW. I am still learnig all of the ins and outs of the whole drone, especially the camera settings but so far I’m ag around 20 flights and it has done very well for me. It is easy to fly, very easy to see and keep track of, and the menu options and user interface have been a breeze! I would highly recommend the Evo!
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