Holland, Indiana (SW IN) | MaineFarmer - 7/23/2021 16:30
If you do put the toilet in the office I would be sure it had a super exhaust fan,nothing worse than some one elses bad morning in the toilet and doing paperwork nearby.
You are right BIG fan ---- BUT better some place else---
heck when a friend and I added this office 40 years back he had convince me that a 5 gal bucket with the bottom cut out wasn't good enough "RIP Coop miss you"
AND I bet some of the younger computer Geeks could get along just fine without a label maker or a bunch of file cabinets
I'm stuck back on some technology 25 years but my 30 year old SIL partner is moving the farm to modernization
Times change Dan
Edited by Dan Loehr 7/24/2021 07:36