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Find My Drone and a Stupid Mistake
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Robert W Greif
Posted 6/14/2021 05:21 (#9058002 - in reply to #9056903)
Subject: Other Two Lost Drones

Dallas Center IA 515-720-2463
The other two lost drones.

The first was October of 16, a Phantom 3 Pro. My renters were picking corn.
Drone was a few hundred feet away, in the general area of the combine. And was a fair wind blowing. Pretty sure the wind meant I couldn’t hear the drone.

Lost controller to drone signal. That had happened before for a short time, but the signal had always came back.
Thinking the drone had went down in the corn, I walked out to the combine and rode for close to a hour.

So lost drone. The best way to find it was another drone. So a few days later I had another Phantom 3 Pro.
Flew all over that field, taking video and well over 1000 still pictures.
No luck. A group of white corn husks can look like a drone.
Also was sure I had found it once. So got the latitude and longitude of the picture.
Turned out to be a white plastic bag.

Pretty much gave up.

About six weeks later, got a call. Fellow that farms just to the east had found a drone while putting on NH3.
Figured out whose drone it was via the photo card.

With a charged battery the drone took to the air just fine.

Video camera was running at the time of the lost signal, and keep running until out of battery.
By watching this video, I figured out the drone at first just hovered in place.
Can see on edge of video me in chair by the Jeep. Then walk towards combine.

After awhile the drone climbed up to Return to Home altitude, 400’.
Next the drone first turned, then flew towards my Jeep, the takeoff or home location.
Then land. Video camera continued to run after landing for a few minutes.
Assume until the battery gave out.

I did not see or hear the drone return because I was by then in the combine.
And it missed the home point a bit. Landed on the other side of a fence row by the Jeep.

Thank you Bob Fox.

Second lost was last July. I was at Courthouse Rock in Western Nebraska.
Mavic Mini. Had done about a ten minute video, then on to still images.
Not really sure what happened. Drone was pretty close to the ground, less than 10 meters
Did I do a Return to Home? Or use the left stick to climb?

Did have a idea where it was. Had heard of Find My Drone, but really no knowledge of how to use it.
Thinking Mavic was in a pretty tough area, big gullies.
Did look for, but -
Gullies. Limited sight distance, could be just beyond sight in a deep area? Or whatever.
Very hard to move around in that gully area. It was hot, probably devoting more of my effort to getting myself around than looking for the drone.
Gave up.

Then headed back to Iowa. But at the motel that night I looked at the flight log and Find my Drone.
Figured out the drone was not in the gully area, but on a grassy slope, south of the Jail.
Pretty sure it would not be too hard to walk to, and see the drone from a distance.

Should I go back? It would be a 350 mile trip, 700 total miles.
If I did go back and did not find, a real bummer!
Went home.

Did post here on Drone Talk. ‘Find my Drone and you can have it’
A few weeks later I heard from a NAT person in the Courthouse Rock area, Ross.
He was planning to go to Courthouse Rock.
Forwarded info to Ross.

That phone call that he had found it was sure good to hear.
The next day the Mavic’s controller was on the way to Nebraska via UPS.
And Ross did get the Fly app on his phone and uses the Mavic.

Thank you Ross. Just knowing the story is great.

The Mavic as found.

The second picture is Ross in the area where found.

Edited by Robert W Greif 6/14/2021 22:48

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