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Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?
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Posted 6/4/2021 13:06 (#9041650)
Subject: Anyone Fly an Autel EVO 2 or Mavic Air 2s Drone?

Central Western VA Mountains
I'm considering an Autel EVO 2 drone or Mavic Air 2s to replace our Mavic Mini. Primary use is making videos and taking pics around the farm. Dynamic track/Active track would be used to follow a tractor working around the farm or just myself walking about. Max ground speed would be around 7 mph. Our obstacles would be mostly trees that line our fields and barns/buildings. Is this a good application for the drone via Dynamic Track/Active track?

Visibility - the Autel EVO 2 is much bigger than our Mavic Mine and the Mavic Air 2s and bright orange too. Surely it's easier to see at a distance. How's your VOL with this drone the S2 or EVO 2? Do you find it easy enough to see?

Sometimes with our Mavic Mini, by the time we get it in the air and on our farm equipment, we've cut into it's available battery life and short videos seem the norm. I'm intrigued by the 40 minute battery life of the EVO 2. I don't expect a true 40 minutes of flight time, but an honest 30 minutes would be a dramatic improvement for us. What is your typical battery life for this drone. I think the latest Air 2s has only 20 minutes - that is of concern.

Any experiences and/or sage advice regarding the Autel EVO 2 or DJI Mavic Air 2 are much appreciated.

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