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Converting road tractor to tandem dump
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Posted 10/28/2009 21:35 (#904019 - in reply to #903930)
Subject: RE: Converting road tractor to tandem dump

Statesville, NC
I think it's a lot of work to do it right. A road tractor is built to move 80,000 pounds, and has a fifth wheel over the tandems, so you end up with a heavy engine and driveline, and a light frame. Sometimes the suspension is not good for a dump truck. Many times the front axle gets overloaded. I have an old '73 chevy with a 427, 5+2, and an air tag axle. I know a lot of people on here hate them, but it will haul a lot for what it weighs. Empty weight of 15,500 and gross of 45,000 gives a good payload. The old truck has a newer dump body and is doing ok for now, but my plan is to keep an eye out for a good IH tandem with hendrickson suspension and a DT466, a van body or flatbed or whatever and put the grain body off the Chevy on to it.
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