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CVT/ IVT vs powershift
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Glenn W.
Posted 4/14/2021 21:44 (#8952259 - in reply to #8951443)
Subject: RE: CVT/ IVT vs powershift

Southeast Washington
Just like my reply the other day I want to see the big dogs pulling the snot out of things in hills both up and down holding back a loaded gain cart. Since Fendt isn't going go offer a power shift in the big two track then they are going to have to prove what their CVT will do. Constant speed isn't our concern. Getting HP to the drawbar and holding back a semi load of grain on slopes most of you wouldn't want to farm its what we are looking at. Engine brake probably going to be a must.

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Attachments 20210414_080152 (full).jpg (210KB - 71 downloads)
Attachments 20210407_080308 (full).jpg (83KB - 90 downloads)
Attachments 20210324_111725 (full).jpg (156KB - 64 downloads)
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