| I remember the eighties, tough times for people borrowing money. High interest rate. Also what I remember prices for equipment at farm auctions or prices used equipment in general. It seem used big tractors was not in demand ( what I remember they took a hit on what they would bring or sell for. But it seem a sixty or seventy horsepower used tractors were more in demand in my area ( Middle Tennessee ) in the mid eighties. Beef cattle and burley tobacco was big then and that size tractor was a nice step for most farmers. It seems row crop farming took a big hit in the early eighties with grain embargo against the Soviet Union for invading Afghanistan. The Russians just brought grain elsewhere, and the row crop farmers were the one that suffered. Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy was awful. Years before farmers were told to raise all they could raise. All the the big tractors started appearing in my area in the mid to late seventies. New tractors and new combines, plus people were still working ground back then. Then the eighties hit and a lot of that equipment was sold. Not a good time for grain farming for a lot of farmers. | |