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Like to hear thoughts on 1984 farm movie "Country"
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Posted 4/4/2021 20:48 (#8934210 - in reply to #8933842)
Subject: RE: Like to hear thoughts on 1984 farm movie "Country"

NW Iowa
If you want to get a realistic view of the farm crisis, search youtube for "Public Television Farm Crisis". Then hit "Play All". I started farming in 1973 when I got out of the service. Had significant debt from expanding my hog operation going into the 80's. Interest went to 18%, FDIC took over my local bank. I was profitable every year. Good records and having an FDIC officer who understood farming saved my butt, but not without living in fear of losing it all for six months before I found a bank that would take me. IPTV did an excellent job of explaining the reasons and capturing the agony of that time period. I have a hard time watching it. It hits too close to home.
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