Minnesota/Kentucky fertility based on ENERGY | The 1984 was about the time things started getting crazy, up till then Farm credit, PCA, and even some banks kept tell the price of land wasn't coming down and if I'm not mistaken some ground in south central Minnesota hit $5,000.00 not a big price by todays standards but massive in 1984. it was about that time land prices adjusted back to $1,100.00 down to some $550.00 an acre. The next week many calls where made! and the words that came out of the bankers mouth was your a bad manager and start calling notes to get the first grab at assets. Last I checked the drop in land values of $3,500.00 to $4,000.00 could hardly be blamed on farmers but it did. The other issues that lead up to this mess was Peanut Man (Former President James Carter) with his grain embargo. There where many issues and the blame can be spread around, but there were those that made out like carpetbaggers in the business of repoing the equipment and selling it or the best one which is still going on today is the manufacture repo's the equipment and sells it back the dealer at a nice little discount and the farmer still pays full price when they send you a 1099. The game has changed hands but still be played today.
Edited by Jeff@JR Production 4/4/2021 17:43