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JD 7810 pto trouble
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Posted 3/16/2021 19:29 (#8897703 - in reply to #8895895)
Subject: RE: JD 7810 pto trouble

W.C. Mo.
Had similar problems with my 7710. Is the problem with your 540 pto speed??? Pull the pto stub shaft and check the interior end.
If there is a slight divot in the center of the 540 shaft, there is your problem. 540 shaft should be flat and smooth--1000 rpm shaft WILL have a divot in the end. When installing the 540 shaft, it pushes against a spring loaded pin that rides the center of the shaft causing a divot over time. To fix, either replace or weld 540 shaft divot full and grind smooth.
My 7710 had over 9000 hrs with many of them pto hours. I was told pto shafts can wear out.
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