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JD 7810 pto trouble
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150 farmer
Posted 3/15/2021 22:47 (#8895946 - in reply to #8895868)
Subject: RE: JD 7810 pto trouble

Pontiac, IL.
Had the EXACT same thing happen to my 7810 last summer when batwinging. Replaced the speed sensor, and it run for about one day, Started kicking out again, {wouldn't run 30 seconds. I was only 4 miles from dealer, SO I called him, and he said bring it in. I drove straight to the dealer. When I got there, I started the PTO and it kept running for half an hour, and would not kick out. I left it at the dealer, and a couple hours later he calls and said they THOUGHT it was the on/off switch. I said isn't there any codes? He said he didn't think so--tractor was too old, but he would check. Called back half an hour later and said there WAS a code. If I remember correctly it was the solenoid that engages the PTO. Not positive on the diagnosis, but think that was it. ANYWAY, there should be a code. A Deere tech should be able to walk you thru the diagnostic procedure. Something like: Install fuse in diagnose socket, click dimmer/bright switch twice, click left turn, etc. etc.
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