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Where to find these bearing?
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Posted 3/15/2021 20:27 (#8895593 - in reply to #8895575)
Subject: RE: Where to find these bearing?

Winkler, Manitoba Canada
crowbar - 3/15/2021 19:20


I believe those were made by Roberts Bearing, Salina, KS. Roberts was sold to Federal Mogul, I think, in the 1970’s or 1980’s. Does that make sense with the age of the machine?

Also, I believe Kirschmann hoe drills used those bearings on their pineapple transmission setup. So you might find some old stock laying around...

Other than that, I’d try to match flanges like the other poster mentioned.



The Valmar transmission looks like it came from the Melroe/Kirschmann drill.
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