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ISOBUS - CANBUS (explanation for dummy’s)
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Posted 12/27/2020 15:43 (#8701274 - in reply to #8699602)
Subject: RE: ISOBUS - CANBUS (explanation for dummy’s)

Southern Alberta Canada
I think CANBUS works on a digital platform, it's for commication only, it carries no load or direct sensor signals.

Sensor and switch signals signals must be interpreted and converted to a digital signal through an ECU device to be put on CANBUS is how I understand it works. CANBUS is only a communication circuit between ECUs, nothing more.

The 5v canbus has nothing to do with the 5v sensor and switch circuits.

Maybe think of CANBUS as the phone line and ECUs as the fax machines (for those of you old enough to know fax machines).
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