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Why don't all men pee sitting down!!?
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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
Posted 10/1/2009 12:41 (#866980 - in reply to #866765)
Subject: Re: Why don't all men pee sitting down!!?

You said "A kitchen table should be a place of welcome, comfort and ease to some extent - at least mine is."

Then why the huffiness over the subject? Sally simply voiced a complaint and dealt with cleanliness and sanitary facilities.

Would you please also point out or provide a link to me showing the "two men" that voiced thier thoughts similar to yours about sharing this subject at the kitchen table? I have failed to locate and read those said posts yet.

As for the woman you go to school with that agreed with you, well, you know, I have lied to peoples faces before too in agreeance just to escape the long and windy argument that would of ensued afterwards along with the bitterness and sour attitude towards me that I'd get to experience on a daily basis for a good period of time.

.......and then again, there's some people in this world that if they don't have an umbrella when it rains, they will drown.
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