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Why don't all men pee sitting down!!?
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Mike SE IL
Posted 10/1/2009 04:39 (#866565 - in reply to #866498)
Subject: Re: Why don't all men pee sitting down!!?

West Union, Illinois

If Women would figure out it's easier to spend 5 seconds to put the lid down ...
Actually in my family I am the one who gripes because the lid was left up.  I know who will get the job of digging out whatever gets dropped in the toilet by accident, and a closed lid prevents a lot of that.  I was changing a light bulb in a restroom at church one time, one of those fixtures with 3 round threaded balls holding a glass cover over the bulb.  I'm 8 ft up in the air on a step ladder and drop one of those balls ... and hear a "plop" down below.  Yep, someone left the lid up.

Just be courteous and close the lid.

I'm told one of the worse sounds you can hear is a 3 year old flushing the toilet and going "Uh-oh".

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