Sanilac Co. Michigan | mac4440 - 12/6/2020 12:24
How did they put those bins up to start with?
I've had experience with that style Behlen bin. In fact the first bin I ever moved was like that, 22'×12, Behlen floor and stands, even a Behlen aeration fan. Mine came down by picking with a long jib pole on a backhoe and taking vertical sheets off three at a time. Then set the roof on a flat rack and telephone poles. Hung it back together with the roof suspended from a truck mounted drag line a neighbor had. Still use that bin and have never had trouble with moisture and rust, so don't know what to tell you there.
As to how they were originally erected, it was simplicity itself: there was a central jack, kind of like a may pole, the roof was assembled around. You jacked it up a bit and attached the vertical sheets to the inside ridge all the way around with the panels sort of laying on the ground. Kind of like a banana peel or petals on a flower. The roof was raised and as the petals came together you inserted bolts until it was free standing. Some place there's got so be a bunch of those center jacks collecting dust in some long time bin builders back shed.
Pretty easy to do those old government bins, but I imagine it was tricky doing ones two or three panels tall. |