Just in case it snuck past you,,, America started moving past the agriarian society 60 years ago, and by 20 years ago went about as far away from agriculture as it could be. The ability of many who wanted to pursue other careers instead of having to dedicate themselves to growing food for themselves has done fairly well. We have despite the whining a pretty good health care system, a pretty good economy (excluding the current mess created by your described "exploiters") access to food like no other country in the world, many advancements in all facets of America actually. Unlike the agriarian societies in many parts of the world today. Please explain the virtues of Somolia ,,, I'm really interested in how great they're doing with strictly an agrarian society !! I got lost in part of your "book" but somewhere in there,, if I understand,, Yes the Larger percentage of the Population who is NOT connected to agriculture except for buying food in grocery stores,, ARE completely disconneted, (several generations in many cases) and know nothing or very very little about the way their food get to their Grocery Store. That lack of knowledge is "EXPLOITED" to the maximum by large Companies who buy raw food products change/modify/repackage/ etc.. food expressly so the NON Farming Society does not spend hours and hours each day just preparing/cooking/providing food for their family's. I'm not sure where that fantasy of selling Milk direct to consumers and exactly how you think dairies can do that with 50 cows. Two quick observances that are apparent. #1 You have absolutely no concept of Finances and financial structure of Agriculture. #2 You have no idea of the laws, rules, regulations that control agriculture. but then again,, most of the Non Ag. Society has pushed for more and more regulation, rules, simply because they do NOT know/understand/ or care to understand, how the entire Ag. society works. So,, they watch slanted adjenda video's believe everthing they see, and demand more rules so they can placate their emotions about whether an animal somewhere, somehow, just Must BE abused because they saw it on Video.