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Chicken Tracker GUAGE wheels
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Posted 8/30/2020 14:34 (#8466346)
Subject: Chicken Tracker GUAGE wheels

Cambridge, southwestern Nebraska
Anyone using Schafferts Chicken Tracker gauge wheels on their planters? I have been using the Chicken Tracker press wheels for a couple of years and really like them. I need to go through my planter gauge wheels this winter and have thought about just replacing them with Schafferts wheels.
This is on a CIH 1255 planter. A couple of issues we have always had is the inside of the gauge wheel rubs up against the opening disc bearing hub. This wears the hub and the inside of the gauge wheel. My gauge tires are about due to be replaced. This would eliminate tire wear. My other issue is dirt building up between the opening blade and the seed shoe. Schaffert thinks it is from dirt getting inside the gauge wheel and being brought up and tossed between the blades. Could be. The Trackers MIGHT fix that problem. Would be well worth it if they did.
The OEM gauge wheel with the raised rib allowing room for soil to be moved out from under the gauge wheel is a good design. I think the Chicken Trackers would allow the same thing to happen?
My reservation is, will I have as good of depth control in tilled soil? I have seen similar wheels used by Schlagel on planters for very wet conditions so maybe they would work?
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