Posted 8/19/2020 11:49 (#8444122 - in reply to #6057245) Subject: RE: IH 3588 hydraulic warning light, TA issues help (details)
Central New York
Here's an update - was just reminded that I never left one. Dealer picked up the tractor and called a few days later to say the TA needed to be replaced. I had it done with a HyCapacity unit and had the clutch done at the same time. I asked if it wore out or if I harmed it running it low on oil and the service manager said probably both - in his experience they tend to last around 5-6,000 hours. I got the tractor back about a month later and missed it during spring tillage; the Case 2394 had plenty of power but nowhere near enough traction. Have been using it for the past 3 seasons and working great. If it happens again I hope I can do it myself - the bill was over 10k.