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IH 3688
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Posted 6/12/2020 04:17 (#8310612 - in reply to #8310295)
Subject: RE: IH 3688

100 miles north of the NYC crapper
I had one actually my brother still has it.
They’re a nice handy size tractor BUT and it’s a big one... it had a real taste and habit of shearing the driveshaft off the hydraulic pump to the tune of about 2500 every time. Knowledgeable red mechanic told me to keep it off the discbine and blower. He was right. Also broke one while small square baling. Got pretty good at changing that pump.
Tractor worked good round baling and planting.
Something about variances load on pto would cause problems. Thelate 86s with this same pump had the issue too I’m told the hyd pump runs off the same shaft as the pto
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