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A few of the bulls. (pics)
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Posted 5/20/2020 11:23 (#8269355 - in reply to #8268290)
Subject: RE: A few of the bulls. (pics)

SE Manitoba
beanplanter - 5/19/2020 21:13

littlejo - 5/19/2020 18:02 Got any Maine Anjou in your shorthorns?

Some of my Shorthorns are sure to have traces of Maine Anjou in them, be it honestly in the pedigrees or dishonestly via breeders who left it hidden under a different name decades ago. Any Shorthorn breeder who tells you they don't is most likely either being dishonest, is ignorant to the breed's history, or is a native breeder using a very limited pool of genetics that all trace back to the 1822 Coates herd book. Even some of the Native breeders are oblivious to, or turning a blind eye, to some of the known shenanigans that went on in the distant past. It is what it is.

I also have a couple cows who are Fullblood Maine Anjou and a tank with a small selection of original import Fullblood semen and eggs from some of the progeny of them. Why I keep these around, I have no idea, but I've always found them interesting considering the breed was one of many created using Shorthorn blood.

There was even some milking shorthorn used in the development of the Gelbvieh back in the 1880s or so. (Another breed for you to look at - - - - grin!)
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