It made a Crop | This is like asking what your favorite Tomato is.
We grow 50+ heirloom tomatoes varieties and sell them at a Farmer Market. So that question comes up all the time. I ask the customer what they are going to use the tomato for and what they like in a tomato. Then go from there, kind of like picking a wine.
With corn same thing. It makes a difference if you going to eat it the same day you pick it. Or it's for the freezer, Or it needs to hold for use in a few days. Once the ear is pulled from the stalk the sugars start to convert to starch.
The super-sweet corns have great favor for the taste buds. But, are not very filling. I can eat 4-5 ears of ambrosia and not get full. I eat one ear of Golden Bantam and can tell I've put something in my tummy. The salt and butter add most of the favor to it. Where as with Ambrosia I like it's favor with out salt and butter. Golden Bantam is 100+ year old open-pollinated sweet corn. We like it for the freezer mixed with Ambrosia. Favor and Filler in one package so to speak.
But as for what is MY favorite for favor it's Ambrosia. But, it's been around for a while. And I have not had any of the newer "sweets". So I'm out of touch. But, if I sell it a the Farmers Market customers come back asking if I have more. And there where two full time sweet-corn vendors at the market. I was just selling my extra corn.
Edited by Dan_wcIN 1/2/2007 11:49
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