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Checking back in (long post with pics data warning)
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steve c-il
Posted 3/15/2020 00:18 (#8105630 - in reply to #8104346)
Subject: RE: Checking back in (long post with pics data warning)

Central Illinois
Von, Glad to see you back. Totally agree with your description of the recent attitude on here. Also feel for you on the medical side of things. Fact is we are all getting older even though we don't want to admit it. This business we call Farming has been any thing but a cake walk for any of us for the last 18 months. Given the average age of the majority of us it is truly amazing what we accomplished in such a narrow window. If a poll was ever taken I'm sure the number of injuries this last year would be a record. Just remember there are plenty of Friends and Faith to be found here for support. Hoping you a good and speedy recovery.
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