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Updating 4366 hydraulic pump
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Posted 2/26/2020 08:34 (#8066402)
Subject: Updating 4366 hydraulic pump

Ohio City Ohio
Looking at updating the hydraulic pump on our 4366, it is getting slower and slower to lift implements and it has never been able to do certain things since we have had it.

So the original manual states that the tractor would have had a Cessna tandem gear pump, consisting of 23 GPM section and a 18.5 GPM section. It also states that the rated capacity is at 2600RPM and 1200 PSI to get the 23 GPM and 18.5 GPM respectively. 23GPM is for steering and lube, and 18.5 GMP sections just runs the scv's,

Part Number for standard original hydraulic pump is 69433C91 which I am finding for around $1200, but have not been able to find any specs with the for sale listings.

The pump currently on the tractor has markings on it, It as L24583LAH, and has 48580 also stamped on it, I assume the last number must be a serial number, L24583LAH comes up in search engines, its now updated to number 25583LAH, I did find a website where it says that 24583LAH is the same as 69433C91 and 1949280C1.

25583LAh is listed for around $900, Its listed as a series L2 Eaton Cessna pump, and it is listed with a splined shaft and 42.8 CM3 per revolution, which if I did the math right is 29GPM at 2600RPM. So would that be for each section or total?

So what would have been the original max pressure the 4366 scv's would run at?
and which pump would I need to replace with the get better performance, I have not flow tested the current pump on tractor, but I would like to know what its suppose to be performing at before I test it.

Anybody have any experience with this ?

Edited by wffoker 2/26/2020 08:35
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