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Some really cool pictures of white engines in paccar trucks
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Posted 2/16/2020 11:37 (#8045252)
Subject: Some really cool pictures of white engines in paccar trucks

Pierce county WI
So, the question about white painted engines in Pete's and KWs has been talked about before. There seems to be quite a few white CATs still out there, but you don't see Detroit's and Cummins.
A Peterbilt guru looked up build records for my 359, and we were emailing back and forth a little. I asked him when they quit painting Cummins and Detroit engines white, cause I had never seen a white Detroit, and maybe, one Cummins. He said they did it into the 80s. I bet the reason I didn't see the white Cummins engines, is probably due to the block issues Cummins had. By the time these engines were coming into contact with me, they were getting older. The NTC Cummins were known for cracking counterbores, and overhaul mileage intervals weren't what they are now.
It was neat getting the build records of my truck. I did find out it was built on December 23rd. I wonder if they were in a hurry to get done with it?........ Thanks to Cam Lavin for sharing Tim Ahlborn's pictures with me.
Notice the KTs and the 12v-71? How awesome is that!

Edited by WItitan2 2/16/2020 11:41

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