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Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?
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Posted 1/31/2020 17:40 (#8013365 - in reply to #7983659)
Subject: RE: Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?

washington iowa
I have been flying for 6 years. First use has been identifying old tile line locations and the places that need tile. This is done within hours of the end of a soaking rain, and then physically mapping them with the UTV and the trimble. It has saved 6 figures on my owned and rented farms in tile expense. Next is scouting in growing crops and using it for multiple decisions. Late season flights let me view application trials of all sorts, manure, fungicde, nh3 rates, planter checks, varitey differences. Wind and green snap events in corn have been identified before the combine rolls and insurance can be notified. One year a 300 acre field popped some yellow corn on 20 acres in late July . The field had been sidedressed with urea and a spinner. I showed the company that did the app and his coverage map showed the operator trimmed the rate on 20 acres so he could finish. I had credit laying in my account to use he was just lazy. The dealer cut me a check on the yield difference. I have made some great videos of field operations also. Each photo I am able to zoom in to see extreme detail on my PC.

Edited by hiyieldfarms 1/31/2020 18:04

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