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Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?
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Posted 1/26/2020 18:00 (#8002139 - in reply to #8001940)
Subject: RE: Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?

WC Mn/Dakotas
That was a pretty weak post.

The op asked about the usefulness in production ag, I gave my thoughts based on millions of acres of experiences, not a handful of experiments and very small scale tests. I know a little bit about how the faa works and the reality of getting work done in production ag.

Anyone that thinks drones are going to freely enter manned airspace without it impacting ALL current aviation is naive. I'm not saying it won't happen and I'm not at all against it. But my guess is it will not look like it has been (or currently is)

Beyond a toy or scouting aid, what can a drone do today that is more efficient than a manned aircraft?

The day when imaging gets adopted by the average grower, it's going to need to be scaled up. That's either large military types, a swarm of small, or conversion of a manned aircraft. Which of those is any more realistic to the average grower?

If drone based followers/growers worked with manned aircraft, everyone would be farther along.

Surely you've got an opinion you can give to the op.
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