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Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?
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Posted 1/24/2020 16:17 (#7997564 - in reply to #7996589)
Subject: RE: Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?

WC Mn/Dakotas
I wont agrue that. I think its early in the adoption of precision ag in general. Ill repeat, almost everyone is interested in hearing about the latest precision ag buzz word, most will talk about using it, few will actually implement it (even if it were free).

I strive to make good zones. I strive to constantly improve them and my general process. I want to add ec, better imagery, better scripts, etc. Problem Is very, very few growers are willing to pay, let alone pay extra.

I tried working with several uav/sensor companies in the last 5-6 years. No one cares to unless it's on a uav. I could put thousands of acres under these sensors commercially, but they all think drones will be green lighted tomorrow.

I think if drone guys worked with commercial aircraft guys, we all would be further along.

Drones will get the processes figured out, then it will get scaled up to planes after there are growers that adopt it. Its starting to gain traction in some irrigated areas. But it's a aircraft imaging company, a major chemical company, and a large progressive aerial, ground and input resale company working together. 2020 will be 3rd year. But tgat is just one small pin on a huge map.
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