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Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?
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Posted 1/24/2020 08:23 (#7996589 - in reply to #7995149)
Subject: RE: Question about the usefulness of drones in production agriculture?

Hennepin, IL
Goose, I've actually shared your thoughts up until the last few months. What we've found is that planes may make the most sense on paper, but they, or rather the companies contracting the planes and selling the imagery, are less than reliable. We had a bunch sold last year and about June we were told "if you're not in this block here (literally 5 square miles) we can't get to you". I think we had less than 1000 acres that fell in that out of the 20k we had lined up. Those phone calls suck. For next year we're taking the bull by the horns and covering those acres with fixed wing drones ourselves. A lot more work for sure, but at least it's all in our control at this point.
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