Sounds like you might have a personal stake in this. I have made my position clear to all who have taken the time to learn. To reiterate, I will allow discussion of climate science; I will no longer tolerate political misinformation parading as debate. If you don't know the difference, leave the topic alone. This issue will affect agriculture greatly. It is too important to "hear all sides" when all that does is open the door to mischief and delay any real action. If you have a legitimate question, ask it or e-mail me. My address is at the bottom of all my posts. If you do have adequate knowledge of the science and want to offer a contrarian opinion, go ahead. But be prepared to defend it with scientific reasoning. Hint: Listening to conservative talk radio and memorizing the political talking points does not mean you have a good handle on the subject. It will take some time and effort to be conversant on the topic. Links to anti-science sites will be removed. Political posts will also very likely be removed. Stick to the facts. Another hint: If something you posted disappeared, don't keep putting it back up. That's what got "someone close to you" shut out of TPP. I was more than accommodating for many years, but my patience came to an end a year ago. It was not my choice, so much as one foist upon me. |